About Kathy
Hi - My name is Kathy Menon and I am a KMI Structural Integrator, CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach and Knoff trained yoga teacher here in Perth. This particular combination of skills is unique in Perth, but they are highly complimentary and I love it! My personal interests have always revolved around personal health, movement and human biology. I have done tertiary studies - but in all honestly - it didn't feed my soul like this work does. In my own search for personal health and wellness, these were the skills and therapies that truly made a difference in my life (so naturally I trained in them as well!). Now I get to live and work that which I am passionate about; anatomy, physiology and biochemistry, lifestyle health, and personal development.
My journey of heath awareness began in my first year of uni - a unit called 'Pollutants and Toxicology' by Dr Peter Dingle. WOW - what an eye opener!! I don't know why it motivated me so strongly, as I was healthy and strong - but I really wanted to live my life with 'awareness'. Of course that extended to my family as I got older, and it has been wonderful teaching the habits of personal health awareness to my children. I also did a unit under Dr Peter Newman (Populations Resources and the Environment) which prompted a lifelong interest in sustainable living. Today my home is of passive solar design, has solar panels, an aerobic treatment unit (converts sewage to water suitable for garden reticulation), I have rainwater tanks, chickens, extensive vegetable gardens and fruit trees - all motivated by one unit over 20 years ago :). While I no longer work in the sciences - my degree and subsequent PhD really honed my interests and research skills - which hold me in great stead now :).
I feel very lucky for the education and work opportunities I have had. I learnt directly from Tom Myers (super big name in SI circles) and have assisted him on courses over east. I also learnt directly from Paul Chek - another super big name in the health industry :). Mary Bond, Robert Schleip, Kevin Frank, Caryn McHose, David Vendetti, Lou Benson, Nicky Knoff, James Brian, Santina Giardina-Chard - OMG soooo many fantastic teachers I would not expect anyone to know - and yet all at the top of their respective fields. But with all my international travels to learn this stuff - I have always loved returning to Perth with its slower pace, beautiful clean skies, awesome climate and genuine people.
I have a strong sports history - As a child/teenager I was addicted to athletics and horses. In adulthood it was netball, indoor and beach volleyball, masters athletics, running, (and still is) yoga, martial arts and boxing. Oh - and I was a classic gym junky for many years :). Now days I am a little less gung-ho - although my fellow gym goes probably don't think so! My absolute favourite place to train is the Phoenix Personal Training and Wellness Studio here in Armadale. Both Ant and Ammy are wonderful people and I love their Strikezone, Gladiator, MMA and pole dancing classes.
My other main interest is personal development. It also goes hand in hand with this work because our values should be reflected in our choices, and when we live a life congruent to our values, we inherently experience happiness. Therefore when we deviate from our path we experience unhappiness, which is reflected in our body, lifestyle, work, relationships etc. Sometimes we need to have an honest look at how far we are living from our values to really understand why we are unhappy. And to this I can personally attest - just looking at your values in this way can bring about mammoth changes in your life - so be ready!!
PhD (Vet. & Biomed Sc), BSc (Bio Sc Hon)
KMI Board Certified Structural Integration practitionerCM
Dip. Remedial Massage HLT 50307
Psychosomatic Therapy (10484NAT Cert 3)
Knoff Yoga Teacher
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach (Level 3)
Yumeiho Therapy Grade 1 (Dan 2)
CHEK Exercise Coach
Reiki 1st Degree (with Susan Harris)
The Sano Method - peiec Module 1
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Core Practices
Board Certified Structural IntegratorCM (USA)
Knoff Yoga Association
Massage and Myotherapy Australia