Here at Perth Healthy Living our objective is to help you achieve optimal health and happiness
Welcome to Perth Healthy Living
Here at Perth Healthy Living our objective is to help you achieve optimal health. For many this can be finding a way to feel physically better. For others this could be far more comprehensive - incorporating physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.
Disease is a symptom of poor health - and usually a consequence of unhealthy living. Here we do not focus on the disease, but in re-establishing your optimal health so that your body has the best chance to heal. Disease is the motivation and guide to helping us identify where changes need to be made. Our goal is living a healthy and integrated life!
Here we use structural bodywork, movement therapies and lifestyle adjustments to create change. We are also committed to finding quality holistic referrals so that your path to better health becomes clearer. Improved health comes from adjusting 6 key areas: rest, hydration, diet, movement, breath and happiness.

Our body needs Real Whole Food!!! But what is right for you? We need to determine the right food for your body, but also how to encourage the right balance of microflora in your digestive tract (they out number you 10:1 so it is a good idea to get them on board :) ).
Do you get enough rest? Do you wake feeling refreshed? What about adequate down time? Todays society is very stressful and action orientated - we are on the go all day long. We are far removed from the natural environment in which our bodies developed.
Being happy is pretty much on everyones 'goal list'. But what does being happy mean to you? Is it financial success? A pain free body? Having children? The outlook and attitudes we cultivate over our life hugely impacts stress perception and generally contentment.

Our bodies are not designed to be so sedentary. We are supposed to be able to get up and down from the ground - with ease - many times a day! It does not have to be about competing in athletic endeavours, but about regular movement with free easy mobility.

Michael -
Cable Haul Maintenance
I hurt my back and crawled in to see Kathy. After an hour and a half, I walked out. A week later I was back to normal. I then went through the SI course and have not had any more trouble with my back. Thank you so much Kathy.

Sandra -
Safety Training and Auditing
Kathy, thank you so much for all of your knowledge, support and professionalism. I came to you at one of the lowest points of my life, and somehow you managed to not only help me through it, but gave me more courage and strength in the process. I no longer ache as before, and feel that my life and energy is coming back. Thank you again!

Paul -
Driver / Musician
Thank you again for the amazing session. You truly do have healing hands, combine it with your energy, application of the practical skill & the depth of your holistic awareness. Overall, it was the best session I've had over the last 21 years! It is what some call magic. I call it WOW... And ... I'm officially hooked! As we say in NZ - Kiaora!